Friday, October 18, 2019

Plein Air MY Heart

Fall 2019

The weather this fall has not been warm and lovely as it has in the past and yet I made a huge effort to get outside and plein air paint as I know that Winter is Coming! Being outside this fall I have mostly had issues with “breezy” as seriously weather forecasters, let’s call it what it is – gusty! Gusts are not conducive to plein air painting! In the past, there have been sunny calm 70s fall days, but that is not the case this year - bummer! Still, I know it will only get colder and greyer, I gotta get out while I can! 

One art friend and I have been trying to get together to plein air paint, she is a busy lady with many social commitments, its been tough. Finally, we made some time and some plans. We headed to downtown and the houses being hit with sunlight were so pretty! We each painted a different house on the street and it was really fun. Then we went back and painted one street over, where I found my skeleton in front of a cute little house. Love him! Always in this little town they decorate with skeletons in the fall, this time I had saw more skeletons than ever!

Then, I found a new plein air group and they meet twice a month which is thrilling! I was so glad to have found them. The first time I met them, the weather was not great, it frosted that morning and was breezy and cold! It was in the 40s—colder than I like to paint in. So I put on my thermal underwear, long sleeves, scarf, sweater, puffy coat, fingerless gloves, hand and feet warmers. I felt overdressed but with the breeze I was warm enough. And, I feel that I got a great painting and made new art friends!

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