Saturday, September 28, 2019

In Gratitude

Dear Artists,

Thank you for being positive, giving, intelligent, determined, strong, prolific, energetic, thoughtful, talented artists and friends! You help me to grow and to want to improve as an artist. Your strengths and dedication to art help keep me going and inspired.  

I am so happy to have found such a wonderful art community, I love that you are all willing to share information, to mentor, to talk about art and art books, to critique. I love that you are all professional artists – art is more than a passion, it is a dedication, a willingness to learn and to grow and share and a determination to present your art to the world.

I have struggled hard to become an artist (I know we all have). When I moved here I felt very alone-- particularly in searching for like-minded people. I searched online looking for art classes, workshops and events (not finding much) and I attended community classes where I focused on art but it was hard making art friends. I was happy to have found the community center but it did not fulfill me. I needed MORE--more art discussion, more camaraderie, more inclusion, more ART! I have become more serious and stronger as an artist since I have found our art group.  

And, ‘M’ has keenly and quietly guided us to be stronger better artists who paint from life. Every time I go to a workshop or art event I hear the “Paint from life” mantra. I know artists who do not have access to a studio, who are not lucky enough to have the opportunities to paint from life (and it shows). Thank you ‘M’ for allowing the artists to descend on your studio every week. Thank you ‘M’ for always being a calm and gracious host. Thank you ‘M’ for sharing your art knowledge and your art library truly we are lucky to have such a tremendous and giving art resource.

Thank you for all that you bring to the studio each week. I value each of you and encourage you to keep making art and entering shows!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I totally agree. Not sure what I would do without all of you. We are so blessed!


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