Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bone Chilling Cold & The Studio Painter

Landscape Potential in the winter months

It is snowing right now and while I love being outside and plein air painting, it is now officially (my opinion) too cold to plein air paint. The forecast is highs in 30s, lows in teens--without accounting for wind chill. BRR! Now that Winter is here, it is time to start thinking about studio painting.This is when I will sit down and scroll through my photographs, searching for those that have landscape potential.

All throughout the year, I take pics with my iphone, always looking for landscape potential paintings and images wherever I go. And often when I am out plein air painting I take multiple pics just in case I want to paint another view later. I have a big file folder on my computer for my landscape potential pics. It is always fun to scroll through looking for my next great studio painting.

There are pretty much two kinds of photos in my landscape potential folder, one is park and greenery (mostly tree and water pics) -- the other is urban landscapes which are buildings and storefronts. I have many more park pics than building pics because I feel that I still need to learn to paint urban landscapes.

I really want to take a painting urban landscapes workshop--but I have not found any workshops near me! Bummer!  I like the little towns and main streets near here, but I need to learn the painting rules for urban landscapes.

Last week my husband and I were out to dinner and we drove by this storefront that I have been wanting to paint for awhile. I love the building and storefront--but since this is on a main street there is not a good way to stand across from the building and paint--without blocking a small sidewalk. So, after dinner (and it was dark), I stopped by for some photographs. Hey, I love a good nocturne and the light and dark on this was fascinating. I painted this in the studio at home and am happy with how it turned out.