Friday, January 15, 2016

Flinty and Impervious: Finding Art Titles

How Do You Find Titles for Your Art?

"You Gotta Be" -A Small and Large Painting
It is such a challenge to come up with a title for a work of art.  I keep looking at this work and at her gaze, she is a strong determined young lady, but how to title this work? Stream of consciousness: Strong, determined, young, piercing, head on, edgy, brave, beautiful, direct, intimidating, and bright.

This is a small strong and expressive work of art. The painting is 9x12." I pushed the top of the head off the canvas, showing very little of the neck and yet I react positively to the composition. This is not a typical composition for me. Typically I show more of the top of the head, leaving space at the top of the canvas. Also, I usually include shoulders and half body. On this day I was not enthused with the model's hands and pose therefore I zoomed in on her gorgeous face. Yes, her lips ARE that big and pouty (all natural) - Envy Away!

Some titles come right away, and some I have gleaned from songs. I tried looking for songs about determination and strength but nothing quite fit.

Where To Find Inspiration:
Song Titles
Song Lyrics
Book Titles
Book Phrases

How else do you find titles for your art works? "Flinty and Impervious" is a phrase that was said in a movie and I liked it! I want to try to get into several shows in February and I am struggling to title all of my works.

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