Friday, December 18, 2015

Art 2015: A Look Back

So Much To Ponder...

I am proud of this likeness.
This has been a year of questions and reflections particularly as they relate to my art and making art (paintings in this post are from 2015). I have gotten several comments that my painting style has “changed.” I guess my style has changed but is that a good thing? I look back at where I was two years ago artistically and art-socially. Two years ago I was alone in making and pursuing art. Now I have art friends, art critique group, a painting group and several art associations all leading to more fulfillment but still there is a need to pursue more, to do more!

This was all about fabric!
My trademark graphic background
My two year ago paintings were simpler. Simple doesn’t mean bad - I think some of those simple works were very nice – less detail, no background but still beautiful. Today I struggle more—so much more. I have internal conflicts and analytical struggles: what I want to include in a work, how much detail I need, and how long I want to work on the painting. I have so much more to think about and the more I learn the more I question. I read an article recently and essentially the statement was that the struggle of the artist is to get the work from the brain through the arm and hand via the brush to the canvas. Getting paint from my brain to the canvas is much harder than it sounds. Often my hope and artistic vision does not match what I create on canvas. And that leads to questions as to what should I focus on, what isn’t working, what is working?
Fun with the beard!

Juicy landscape
Now I am starting to think about my 2016 art goals which may or may not be definitive. Last year I wanted to get into a few juried shows, wanted to work on drawing, wanted to progress with my painting getting likeness (features). I also wanted to dedicate more time to painting and making art<<< I am sure that will be on the list for 2016 too. I am proud that I did spend more of 2015 painting and honing my skills. As I travel these holidays I will think (analyze and make lists) of my new 2016 Art Goals. Are there any good resources that can assist with that? What are your Art 2016 Goals?
My first larger landscape

Happy Holidays!

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