Sunday, February 23, 2020

Every Journey Starts with a First Step

One of my fave plein air paintings from last summer, 5x7

Planning makes me happy. Planning for an art trip and workshop makes me happy and a little anxious. Soon I embark on a week long art/work trip to Texas. As I start to think of all that I have to do to prepare for this trip, I also start to worry. What have I done, why did I sign myself up for this?

I would be thrilled if every master artist and workshop was within driving distance of my house (Oh Amazing Fantasy!). Reality is that I will have to travel if I want to study with my 'Aspire To' artists.

Initially, I had thought that the stars aligned so that I could participate in both a Paint Out AND then an art workshop (both about 900 miles from my house). I checked the dates and the Paint Out is a Weds/Thurs followed by the Workshop Fri through Sun. The paint out and workshop are 90 miles apart so there will be a bit of driving, but same state and good proximity to one another. As all of the events are 900 miles away, I will be flying--with my art supplies.

Now, as I start to go through logistics, I am thinking that I was a bit art ambitious. Did I take on too much? I am passionate about art and I love being with other artists. I am doing this because I think that both experiences will be beneficial to me but a part of me worries that I will be away from home too long. So why am I doing it? I am doing this because it is an art opportunity and I can do it.

I talked to my husband about my worry that perhaps I was too art ambitious. My calm and thoughtful husband said, "You enjoy socializing with other artists." He continued by saying, "Many believe that art is solitary, but you thrive around other artists"--and he is right. It is always good to have another perspective.

At the very least, I am taking that first step in the journey---making that effort and showing up. I have found that meeting and interacting with other artists is a wonderful way to grow. What have you been meaning and wanting to do as an artist? I encourage you to sign up, plan it and take that first step toward your journey.

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