Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Art Goal Creation, Opt In

A January Art Challenge...

This year in the studio we have monthly art challenges. The January challenge is Art Goals, where each artist creates and then shares her art goals. From my perspective this is a great challenge as many artists do not typically create personal art goals. However, I literally got an email from an artist that asked if MY goal was to make all of my art friends have goals. What? No, that is not my goal.  Goal creation is an optional exercise. My art goals are relevant to me, my art and my art business. Yes, you can opt out of art goals but why not opt in?

In order to lead an art goal discussion, I searched for art goals. I could not find many articles or professional art blog posts specific to art goals. Do most artists not have goals? Do they not talk or write about them? Hmm.

The main thing that I found online is that it is very important to write goals down; if it is not written down it is a HOPE. Somewhere I read that a person is 42 percent more likely to meet a goal if it is written down. Written goals give you something to work toward, to focus on, and should be used to motivate you. Goals should also be specific and have a timeline and deadline.

As I talked goals with my friends, we also talked about our inner critics, and how we are too hard on ourselves. One comment was “listen to constructive criticism not destructive,” an apt statement for artists.

My biggest art challenge and goal, yet again, is painting schedule--I need to get into the studio and paint more! I struggle with this and with tracking this, I am not getting in enough painting time. I tried a time tracker app last year to no avail. This year I am trying a notebook although I am open to ideas. How to best track my time and how to best get into the studio (room) and stay there?

I understand that many artists may resist goal creation or avoid goal creation --that is absolutely ok. I will not force you to make your goals, and I will not bug you about it! I enjoy thinking about what I what to accomplish this year, so I will opt in. And if you want to share, I would love to hear your art goals too! 

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