Monday, August 26, 2019

Enacting Good Ideas - Joy of Brushwork 2

My Book Cover

In my last post I talked about making a photo book for my old least favorite artworks. I uploaded images and created the book online, then waited for it to arrive! Ok it was more complex than that!

It’s one thing to hear a good idea, another to act on it. It took me several hours to review my thumbnail sketches, to identify early bad works. Then, it took me 4 hours in the basement to sort through the works and photograph them. Then it took time to move the images to my computer and sort them (hours). Then, it took me about a day to place the images and text into a book online. Then I had to wait 10 days for the print book that I ordered. This process took a lot of time, but I was inspired and willing to do it for the benefits and outcome.
So thin!

I just got my book in the mail and I love it. It is a 1/4 inch thick book and it turned out good if I do say so myself. I placed all images in the book, one full photo of my worst painting and then one to four photos (close up) of what I like about the painting. And, then I added ‘what I like’ comments to each page. It turned out well. However, everyone wants to see the book, but this a book of my least favorite works…I may only let a select few see the book.

The biggest plus is space, I will toss forty-something paintings (3 feet tall stack) and replace them with a .25 inch book. Storage savings! And this whole process enables me to let go of my old works that were not good. The first book covers 2 years, so I will have to create 2 more books just for all my portraits painted (least favorites).
And, now I may I want a book or books of my good works too! Something to think about…

Just a glimpse of good...
Pluses of enacting this good idea:
  • Being organized makes me feel good
  • Creating a book and then tossing old paintings leads to more storage space
  • It was good to go through all my old works to remember where I have started and see how I have improved
  • I was inspired, to get my artworks and artspace in order.
  • I can see how I can do this process moving forward
  • I may want to do books of my best works and have those books in my studio

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