Monday, June 4, 2018

Plein Air Fest: What We Loved

Lady in Red, 9x12
One of my Mom's 'Gem Paintings', ah rocks!

Our painted works:

I felt that I painted two good works, with my hat storefront hat nocturne being my best work. My other favorite from the Train Depot, is the Lady in Red, I loved this little red car found in the train graveyard. Mom painted a small gem at the lake that had amazing rocks and water. And, I loved her colorful downtown street scene (we both would have loved more time to work on these paintings).

Downtown Nocturnes!

Our nocturnes together
My hat store nocturne
Mom and I agreed, our favorite experience was when we painted our downtown nocturnes. I don't know why, we just loved the quiet streets and painting in the dark; it was terrific fun. In hindsight, we should have gotten there earlier, as it was we got there at sunset (around 8 pm). We had to stop at 11 PM only because it was late and we had to get up for the next paint out early in the morning. Probably we could have stayed another hour! I painted like a madwoman to get the paint down-- to get the canvas surface covered. I did not use my light (except for here in photo), as I was under a pink light. I had fun mixing and putting the colors in under that pink night light.


We loved meeting and talking to other artists and seeing their phenomenal work. Mom had met and taken workshops from several of the artists and they were incredible painters! We were just in awe of all the talent in the room each night at the show and sale, wow!

We would have given awards to:

This work amazes me, technical & perfect!

Brilliant composition

Perspective & a nocturne, wow!

I would have given this a TOP TOP Award! LOVE!

Mom really loved the lower painting here

One of My FAVES! Love the expressiveness!

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