It’s Been A Very Good
Year -- Looking Back
SOLD! Eyes of Time |
I have completed several personal favorite paintings in
I know/knew that I like an ‘unfinished’ portrait look—to which I aspire
but have not yet mastered. My favorite portrait paintings seem unfinished which
some call studies, but personally I know it is too easy to overwork a painting. Knowing when to stop painting is a talent too!
Constructing Colin |
Constructing Colin and Eyes of Time are
two of my favorite paintings from this year. Eyes of Time also sold this year
and I knew from the time I finished painting it that it was something special. My focus the last half of the year has been
landscapes but there were some portrait breakthroughs.
Quick Study 5x7 Ellicott City Shop |
Another 2017 item was Quick Studies, small paintings (5x7) typically completed in an hour. I have a nice little stack of these in my studio and they have helped me to learn about fast decisions, compositions and paint application. Not every one is a winner, but often I feel satisfied with my results.
Bustance Barn |
Bustance Barn was painted en plein air-- out on a dirt road (outside and onsite) at my first plein air retreat. It was exhausting and wonderful, painting and visiting with artists for days, an amazing retreat --critiques at night being my favorite part. I was proud that I captured the sunny and shady sides of the barn. I knew that I was going against the composition rules and putting the barn in the center of the canvas, but I really wanted the barn to be big on the canvas. I still am proud of this one as I feel that I captured the the light and shadow.
It’s Been A Very Good Year -- Looking Forward
In 2018, I will continue my portrait work and improve my 'Painting-The-Portrait-From-Life' skills. And once again, I want to focus on Plein Air painting, at least one day a week outside in Summer and Fall. Also, there are several juried shows which I hope to enter. Brushwork is something that I really need to focus my attention on and I plan on spending time studying other artist works and of course painting more!
I am comfortable with my color palette, I am able to get skin tone (portrait) and greens (landscape) and this is very important. In 2018, I am seriously considering doing the Color Charts which involves a lot of mixing, but which would enhance my color knowledge. I am going to read more about painters and painting and thoughts on painting. And, I am going to try to work on my paint 'control'. I paint intuitively but perhaps I need to slow down and be more precise...
Here are some of my favorite works from this last year…
In My Heart |
La Frida Nueva |
SOLD! Sunflowers At County Farm |
The Pink Scarf |
September at Matthaei Bridge |
Brighter Than Sunshine |
Of Avonlea |
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