Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Finding the GOOD in your ART

TODAY the Light

I dedicate 3 days a week to art. One day is a figure drawing class, two days are painting (models). All days are ARTporunities - art opportunities in which to learn and improve.

Sara with Summer Light Hair
I am happy with the way this portrait painting turned out. I really loved the light on the face and the way the light created a shadow on the right side of the face (facing model). And, I loved the light hitting the hair, turning it beyond blonde. The hair is a bit "whoa" but yes it is full and with the light hitting it, it was that blonde. The model usually has more caramel and red-ish hair on top (still darker on bottom), but due to summer, her hair has lightened.

The features aren't quite perfect but I like the light hitting the nose and the lower lip. Also I am pleased with the shadow on the neck as it reads shadow but it isn't too strong.

The eyes are imperfect as painted; in a future painting I would spend more time perfecting the right eye, maybe even making the shadows darker...

While I didn't start out saying "I am going to focus on this today," I do see that I was studying the light. The warm yellowish light was above left (facing the model).

In the future (and I do work with artists who do this) it would be a good idea to tell myself, "I will focus on "X" today." A very smart way to focus one's art.

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