Monday, March 13, 2023

Finding Motivation

All Artists go through slumps where they lose their motivation. These last few weeks between the grey weather and my last few painting failures, I have struggled with finding motivation.  I took the quest to find motivation to my Art Critique group.

Motivation Advice:

  1. Be Kind to yourself
  2. Don't Compare Yourself to Others.
  3. Explore Another Medium (since I am an Oil Painter it was suggested that I try Watercolor or Acrylics).
  4. Attend your Art Critique and/or talk other Artists.
  5. Pre-plan/Pack Art Supplies the Night before. Put supplies in order and in the car. Get your studio ready the night before (set up, brushes washes, canvas out). Be ready to go the next morning.
  6. Just Show Up-get into the studio.
  7. Set a timer and paint for 30 minutes (start and show up).
  8. Get a huge canvas 30x40 and paint (play with paint/no plan), just be expressive.
  9. Start with works that need touch ups/small fixes to loosen up before starting a new painting.
  10. Get outside (no canvas no paint) just look around and identify the colors and how you would paint them.
  11. Set up and paint a still life with items from home (shells, toys etc).
  12. Challenge yourself to paint with a limited palette.
Books Recommended:
The War of Art
Art & Fear
Daily Painting

Honestly,  it was wonderful to talk to artists about motivation and to hear their thoughts about it. The discussion alone made me feel more positive and motivated. Thank You Art Friends. 


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Other People's Palettes

A Van Gogh work that used THAT green!
To know me is to know that I LOVE COLOR! And yet, I remain true to my basic color painting palette which I have written about in the past, I don't have 30 colors on my palette, I have 9. My color palette for portrait and landscape is: Cadmium Yellow Medium, Cadmium Yellow Light, Permanent Red, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Permanent Rose, Viridian, Pthalo Green and Titanium White. That is my basic GO-TO palette that I take with me each week.

As I reviewed my 2022 art notes in my personal art notebook, I realized that I had focused on gleaning colors from other artist palettes. This led to me then wanting to incorporate a few special colors from their palettes into mine. At the PSA (Portrait Society of America) Conference, I listened and noted many modern artist palettes. I am especially enamored with Adrienne Stein and her portrait work so I noted her current palette which she graciously shared with us attendees. Her palette included a lovely purple called Amethyst by Michael Harding. It also included a spectacular vibrant pink called Brilliant Pink. Once I returned home from the conference I purchased those two colors online and have been using them in my portrait from life painting sessions. I am still determining if they are necessary but they sure are fun--the purple creates nice shadows and the pink is great for skin tones.

Next, last fall I simply had to follow up with another painter as to what colors she used in her sky. I attend Art Critique fairly often (once a month) and this artist had a colorful believable impressionist sky filled with yellows pinks and greens. I could not stop thinking about that sky and later emailed her to ask what green she used, it was just gorgeous. I have not yet purchased this color, but it is on my "to try" list-- the color is Yellow Green Pale.

A Van Gogh work that used THAT green!

Lastly, in December of last year, I was able to attend the Van Gogh in America Exhibit at the DIA (Detroit Institute of Arts). Wow! The exhibit was just incredible. I really looked closely at the paint application and the colors! While the exhibit did not speak directly to Van Gogh's palette (I wish it had), I did notice that he used quite a bit of green. Hard to say in writing, but visually the works of Van Gogh are so much more vibrant that what you see in a photo, they are amazing! What green did he use? Not Viridian I don't think. So I got home from the exhibit all curious, and yep I Googled "Van Gogh's Palette". The next "to try" color for me will be Emerald Green. 

As you can tell, I very much look forward to trying and incorporating new colors into my palette this year! Color palettes were not my intention at the start of 2022, that is simply where curiosity led me. Let's hope it all leads to art success!
