Sunday, January 20, 2019

Portraits Plus a February Show

Postcard for our February Show
My art group was asked to have a February Exhibit locally at Livonia City Hall. Of course, we said yes, let's do this. I know it will be a lovely show as my art friends are amazingly talented award winning artists.

If you are in the area, the show will be open during business hours at Livonia City Hall. We will be hanging the show February 1 and taking it down February 27. Please stop by and do let us know what you think of the show.

This show is unique for us in that we typically only show our portraits, as we are a portrait painting group. In this show, we will also showcase our landscapes. I have  two portraits and two landscape paintings in the show which is exciting. I am especially excited about my Red and Green painting, a sweet little barn and tractor painting, 8x10. I just framed it last night, it looks so good! I should mention that all works will be for sale!

A close up of my red barn & green tractor painting, painted 'en plein air' at the farm. Enjoy the show!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Fast Forward into ART BUSY!

Welcome to the Post-Holiday DASH!

At My Window, 11x14

There is a lull in art activities around the holiday, and now in January activity starts to pick up again and we all are feeling overwhelmed with the artbusy. Suddenly there are multiple shows, in town and online. Do I have enough work? Do I have enough finished work? Am I ready? What are the deadlines for show entry, dates of drop off, dates of show? 

Planning and organization are important facets of being an artist. Honestly, I am unsure of how some artists get by, they never remember deadlines or drop off dates—these need to be on your calendar and set up as reminders. You should track your art and where it has been displayed too. I keep seeing the same art over and over in local shows when I know the artist is working and creating new artwork. Please put some of that new art in the show, your followers and I have seen the old stuff before.

So today I am planning to mark my calendar with upcoming show deadlines. I still have a printed calendar, being visual it helps me to write on it, retain it, and see it daily. I may also add deadlines to an online calendar or my phone (reminders). Not only do I need to think about art deadlines, I also start thinking about which artworks will go into the shows, much planning needs to be done. It helps to know the shows too!

There are two favorite local art shows that I love. One is a member show, and there I always put in a portrait as the show heavily features landscapes and I want to stand out. The other is a figure show, and that is competitive and well respected—that I try to get into with figurative work if I can –that particular show is juried. Ok, so there are those two shows in February and March. Then there is a juried show in March for my Detroit Society of Women Painters. And my art group has a show the month of February. And another local art association has a show in March. Plus my online national art group is calling for entries into their Summer show, and I very much want to apply to that. Well, it is all stacking up as you can tell! WOW! Hello ‘Feb March Art Extravaganza’, can you hear that frantic fast music as I search my studio for works to put into all these shows? Oh my, yes, this will take some planning and strategy.

Dashing through the studio I go!