My Plein Air Workshop in Traverse City was cancelled but we had reservations and vacation time!
Clinch Park Painting |
For the third year in a row an Art workshop that I have signed up for has been cancelled.Each art workshop was at a different venue and featured a different art instructor, it leaves me wondering, 'Is it me?' #Seriously?
A cancelled workshop, well that may not be a big deal you say, but this was a destination workshop; we planned to travel--rented a place, husband took vacation days--we were impacted. We decided to keep our rental and my husband's much needed vacation, but now instead of me attending a workshop we had to figure out what to do.
I need to preface all of this with the fact that I am thankful for my patient husband.
Shelter From The Storm |
We packed the car and headed up to Traverse City, I included all of my plein air gear. On the way my husband and I discussed where we wanted to go, what we wanted to see during the week.
Day 1: OPA Show & Plein Air Painting
One of my first choices was seeing the Oil Painters of America (OPA) show at the Crooked Tree Gallery in Traverse City, I found some new artists who inspire me. What a lovely venue.
The day was overcast and we feared it might rain. We found a great spot in the park by the bay and I painted for a few hours. Of course, less than a half hour after I started painting, the boat I was painting drove off... a real plein air experience. I saw people board the boat and I painted like a madwoman!
Pierce Stocking View |
Day2: Pierce Stocking Drive & Glen Arbor & Fishtown
Bright Light White |
Pierce Stocking Drive is gorgeous, I got many reference photos for future paintings (pack a picnic on this scenic drive). North of Glen Arbor was nice, again I got some great reference pics here and in Fishtown. This was a reference photo kind of day. That evening I painted from a photo that I took as we were on the road most of the day.
Day 3: Breakfast at our favorite place, Betsie Bay Lighthouse, Frankfort
I got some great pics of the Betsie Lighthouse and spent a few minutes looking in the rocks at the shore for Petoskey stones. Then we went to downtown Frankfort park and I set up in the shade and painted the Betsie Bay (boats). After painting, I promised my husband an early dinner at a new restaurant in town. Follwed by a search for barn reference photos (future studio paintings).
Frankfort Painting |
Bay Beauties |
Day 4: Suttons Bay plein air then Grand Traverse Lighthouse then Mawby & Shady Lane Wineries
Earlier in the week we drove by this farm and I knew I had to go back and paint there. We went back, parked on the side of the road and I painted! It was warm so I only painted a few hours, then I packed up and we went to the Grand Traverse Lighthouse. After that we stopped in to two of my favorite wineries -delicious! We were hungry so we stopped off at a great restaurant in TC, nice view and great food! #tiredlongday
Pull Over to Paint |
Day 5: Traverse City then Old Mission Point
My husband had an emergency work call so I had breakfast at our favorite cafe (while he sat in the hot car on a call). Then I walked downtown taking photo references and of course I ended up in a bookstore. Finally at noon, the emergency calls were over and we drove out to Old Mission Point. We found a nice beach spot near the water, and had our picnic and read...relaxing and beautiful.
Day 6: Traverse City Beach Day
We took our umbrellas, books and chairs to the beach, another nice day just reading and relaxing. I intentionally left the paints at home so we could just enjoy and relax together.
4 paintings +2 wineries+ 4 lighthouses = 1 great vacation.
I was happy that I got time with my husband & time painting--the weather was lovely...
Yes, I think we did make the best of it.