Monday, November 20, 2017


From An Artist and Information Gatherer!

Every year around this time I start working on my art goals. I review what I have accomplished for the year and what I want to accomplish for the next year. Yes, sometimes goals do not get met but it is good to have goals to review and work on. I am always amazed that I am a rare artist, not many artists actually have goals--wait what? It's true!

My number ONE new goal for 2018 is to "PAINT MORE." Now, how will I accomplish this?

First, I think I need to start tracking my art time --a goal that I failed last year. But I know it is important to know how I spent my art time.

Last week I tracked my art time in hours. I met my art hours goa1 (30 hours), but it was 50% Admin and 50% Painting. I need to spend less time on Admin and MORE time painting, I know this in my heart!

My next step was to ask all my friends and artists how they motivate to paint more! I need to think on how to incorporate this into my life... Mantra: Paint More! Paint More!

Artists Answers for how to paint more include:

Set a Schedule (paint at same time each day)-- I do not do this. Sounds good but not sure if exact schedule fits into my current life.

Put on Painting Apron. Once its on, it is painting time. This is mental and I think something like this could work for me. I need something that signals to my brain that it is time to make art/paint!

X Marks Creative Day. One artist puts an X on each day that she does something creative in a pocket Calendar-- most days in the month have an X in them! This is good, I can envision how this becomes a visual need and leads to satisfaction and perhaps more paint time.

Please share your thoughts on how to motivate one to Paint More, comments are welcome!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Neo Impressionists: A Must-See Show

Maximilien Luce- a new favorite
Columbus Museum of Art 
Beyond Impressionism Exhibit 
which features Neo-Impressionists, Nabis and Symbolism
Now through January 21

 If you can, I encourage you to go see this amazing show! I loved it!

We went to Columbus last weekend for a short adventure/getaway. Online I had found that the Columbus Museum of Art was having a special 'Beyond Impressionism' show and I was excited to go to see it. I convinced my husband that it could be a Foodie & Art Weekend.

Us in a Bonnard lithograph
 I did not recognize all of the Neo-Impressionists nor did I remember the term 'Neo Impressionist.' These artists came after The Impressionists and many knew Monet. Most Neo-Impressionists were pointillists painting street scenes and landscapes using brilliant color ala Seurat. I loved all of the bright colorful pointillist paintings and found a new artist whose work I love. Maximilien Luce is featured prominently in this show and I had never heard of him before. Luce's work is luminous and lovely, I left wanting to find out more about him.

Monet's Weeping Willow
I also loved seeing a large Monet when first entering the show --a  large lovely Monet-style water lily painting. In the next room was a large dark and moody Monet that was fascinating and wonderful. When I show my art friends the 'moody Monet' photo they all say that it looks like my painting style--I wish! I loved reading about the Weeping Willow Monet painting (large and dark), which without seeing the signature I would not have known as a Monet.  The Weeping Willow was painted more than 30 years later than the water lily painting. Painted during a war (1918), it says much about the mind and time of Monet.

Lautrec color lithograph
I was thrilled to go around the corner to find what must have been 20 lithographs by Pierre Bonnard. I love his paintings but it was good to see his lithographs taking up an entire wall. Also unexpected was the Toulouse Lautrec Ambassadeurs color lithograph - prominently displayed and such a nice surprise.

There are so many more works in the Beyond collection, but you need to go and explore on your own. Also, after leaving the Beyond Impressionism show, you should tour the museum and their collection. I loved the George Bellows room and seeing portraits by Robert Henri (a personal favorite), Sargent, Matisse and more.

Pointillist Style: Signac
Art friends, I encourage you to take an art weekend and head down to Columbus to the Columbus Museum of Art--you won't regret it! Contact me and I will also give you a few restaurant recommendations!